Are you as strong as Ivan The Incredible?

I love ivan Do you have what it takes to become the ivanosvky superstaDo you have what it takes to become the ivanosvky superstarr I like cheese and cheese accessories

Do you have what it takes to become the ivanosvky superstar? Just like Tarzan, or jelly, or both!? Meme mdme mehe memr mend memr Dinkaloo, dinkalee.

Created by: Ivan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How does your dad treat you
  2. What kind of bike do you have
  3. What kind of boobs do you like?
  4. Can you read?
  5. What kind of teacher do you have?
  6. Do you work out
  7. How would you get ripped?
  8. How often do you get dunked
  9. What do you love?
  10. How good is Ivan The Incredibleâ„¢?

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Quiz topic: Am I as strong as Ivan The Incredible?