Are you an real hazbin hotel fan?

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NOT FOR KIDS!😦😦 THE SHOW IS NOT MINE:ITS VIVZIEPOP PROPIETY!! Guys I hope ya have fun with this! If you want to Watch the show you can find it on Amazon prime!!

This is a hazbin hotel quiz,are you a real fan? Take a look! IF YOU GET LOW SCORE ITS OK! You tried and that is perfect! Remember you will always be enough

Created by: Isa
  1. Who is the protagonist?
  2. In what ring the show take place?
  3. In episode 6 something is being revealed and that shocked Charlie... What is it?
  4. Wich character is known for making deals?
  5. Which one dies?
  6. Who killed Adam ?
  7. Who is the leader of cannibal town?
  8. Who is the most powerful?
  9. Which one is the weakest?
  10. Does Alastor really care for Charlie? (Idk neither)
  11. What was Angel dust name back in earth?
  12. Be serious did you Watch the show?
  13. WHAT IS THE MOST UGLY SHIP? (Alastor version) there is few ik..

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Quiz topic: Am I an real hazbin hotel fan?
