burn notice quiz (seasons 1-3) (HARD)

this quiz is based off of seasons 1-3 of the TV show burn notice. burn notice is a show you can watch on amazon prime video. theres seven seasons of id plus a movie which is the backstory of Sam Ax

I go into detail with some of the questions in this quiz. it might be hard for some people, but it is possible to get 100%. ready to test your knowledge?

Created by: ClayTheMudWing of Dragon's Den
(your link here more info)
  1. what did mike get Fiona for her birthday?
  2. what did Michael scratch into the cement at the police station in season 1 episode 11?
  3. what episode is Carla's voice first heard?
  4. who meets Carla first?
  5. what brand of yogurt does Mike like? (HARD)
  6. what season does some of the intro words change?
  7. what seems to me Carla's favorite line?
  8. what brand of beer is Sam's favorite? (HARD)
  9. what did Fiona get Mike for his birthday?
  10. what season did the end of the intro changed from "the bottom line. until you figured out who burned you. . .you're not going anywhere" to "the bottom line, as long as you're burned, you're not going anywhere"?
  11. what episode does Thomas strickler die?
  12. who kills Strickler?
  13. how far into the episode does Strickler get killed? (HARD)
  14. last one. what season and episode does Jesse Porter first show his face?

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