Are you an older or younger sibling

This quiz lets AI guess is you are the younger or older sibling. When I made this quiz it was just a fun guessing game but it’s really accurate. This took a lot of hard work no please be positive.

It is a really fun quiz to play if you’re board. When I’m bored I do random things and this is random and fun. I hope you enjoy it and please give it a try.

Created by: Jazzy
  1. How do you handle pain
  2. How much do you eat
  3. Chose an animal
  4. How do you react to problems
  5. Are you good with kids
  6. How do you express love
  7. What music genre do you like
  8. Where is your idle vacation
  9. Where would you live
  10. When you grow up you want to

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Quiz topic: Am I an older or younger sibling
