Are you an bumbling idiot or a brilliant genius. | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you an bumbling idiot or a brilliant genius.
"You, my friend, are a Genius. You probably get upset at those who aren't at your level, but you will succeed in life. You will most likely have a very well-paying job. All your hard work will pay off, trust me."
I don't know if I'd go that far, but in any case, I don't believe that part about the high-paying job. Not because of my own stupidity, mind, but more the selfishness of the majority of American citizens.
8 years of Obama, and my entire generation is now trillions of dollars in debt, with inflation and a horrible job market making things worse. And now we're looking at either Hillary "There's nothing incriminating on those emails, trust me" Clinton, or Donald "I'm gonna nuke Sweden 'cause they called me mean" Trump for the next president? It's not just my future that isn't looking bright, it's everyone's.
Tettei1 -
Above average/eighty four percent right,I am good with common sense knowledge and survival skills but do lack in history a bit but cool quiz anyways mate.
Zimswife1 -
I'm so surprised!! I got 100 percent! NO JOKE!!
GUYS I'VE READ THE die in two days thing a week ago.
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