CupcakesRuler's Profile

Joined on Feb 23, 2016
Status Level: Junior
CupcakesRuler's Quizzes
- The life of your warrior cat (Quiz 3)[published: Mar 02, 2016, 4 comments]
I know I do this for every introduction, but.... There's a lot of warrior cat fans out……
- What's their clan?[published: Feb 27, 2016]
There's many warrior cat fans out there, and with this quiz, you can test your knowledge on clans by picking……
- The life of your warrior cat (quiz 2)[published: Feb 26, 2016, 1 comment]
There's many warrior fans out there- looking for good quizzes- well, with my "The life of……
- The life of your warrior cat (Quiz 1)[published: Feb 25, 2016, 1 comment]
There are many warrior cats fans out there, on And many people that love……
- How similar are you to me?[published: Feb 25, 2016]
This quiz- and all it's questions- will tell about your personality and opinions. And for this one,……
- What dessert are you most like?[published: Feb 24, 2016, 3 comments]
There's lots of people that LOVE desserts and sweets. (actually, I think EVERYONE loves them!!)……
- The Warriors Adventure Quiz[published: Feb 24, 2016]
There's lots of people that love to test their luck with picking the right answers- well that's what……
- How much do you know about warrior cats?[published: Feb 23, 2016]
There are many true warrior cat fans, but have you ever wondered how much you know……
- Which warriors medicine cat are you?[published: Feb 23, 2016, 1 comment]
There's lots of warriors fans out there. But have you ever wondered what medicine cat you……
- How much do you know about SWAG?[published: Feb 23, 2016, 1 comment]
There are many people that think they have and know a lot about swag: but few people actually……
- Are You An Introvert or Extrovert?[published: Nov 27, 2015, 1 comment]
Some people are introverts, some are extroverts, and some people are in between. Ever……
- are you a nerd or a geek?[published: Nov 26, 2015]
Lots of people are nerds and geeks. Take this quiz to find out if you are a nerd, a geek, or neither……
- what crossy road character are you?[published: Nov 26, 2015, 1 comment]
Crossy road is a fun, interactive game that a lot of people love and play. Have you ever……
CupcakesRuler's Recent Posts
"Here are mine: 1. "Through the Cat Eye" It is a book in the perspective of a cat, and it would tell about the problems the cat faces "
"Alright, this thread will be about story ideas we have, and other people will say what they think about them. Feel free to put some of your ..."
"A cupcake with an animal face on top made of icing. "
"Blush and kiss back."
"Having the first girl president would be SWAGOLICIOUS"
"I hade a NIGHTMARE about Donald Trump becoming president. He has seriously been a joke from the start."
"For all of you warrior cat fans: I'm starting a thread just for that topic! Have fun posting polls, opinions on warrior cats, roleplay, and ..."
"I once stuck a straw in my nostril and the other end was in orange soda, thinking it wouldn't go up my nose, and I wanted to amuse my sister..."
"Not my favorite, but okay. Donuts"
"My favorite type of pringles is original. When I start eating some, they're soooo good that I have to eat a lot. Then they mak"
"Your drawing is really nice, but I think you need to work on the eyes and the fingers."
"1: The five nights at freddy's movie. (Even though it's not out yet I'm sure It'll be my top favorite) 2: The smosh movie 3: T"
CupcakesRuler's Recent Quiz Comments
"100% XD I'm so obsessed"
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"Super entertaining, and I got my favorite animatronic! Great job!"
1 -
"Amazing! I wonder how long this took to make."
1 -
"Super entertaining quiz!! Make more like this! I loved the details."
0 -
1 -
"I survived! By the way, I enjoy the warrior cat/story quizzes you make. :D"
1 -
"I think my description fits me pretty well, and my sister's birthmonth personality fits her perfectly!"
1 -
"I'm so surprised!! I got 100 percent! NO JOKE!!"
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"They guessed my exact age! Or, atleast, what age I act like. Good job on the quiz, though!!"
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