Are You an Animal Whisperer?

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Hello lovely animal lovers! Wanna find out if you’re an animals whisperer or not? If you have that special bond that others don’t? Step on up, and take this quiz to find out!

Being an animal whisperer is harder than it seems, so don’t take this test thinking it’ll be a cool little skill to tell my friends about. It a gift. A power. Please treat it with respect! :))

Created by: AE
  1. Do you have pets?
  2. Do your pets/other people’s pets like you? Ex. They greet you, make noise when they see you
  3. Do you like insects?
  4. Do other animals react when you make animal noises?
  5. How do you approach a budgie?
  6. What do wild animals do when they see you?
  7. Do you have a favorite animal?
  8. Can you feel your animals emotions?
  9. Dogs or cats
  10. Do you like snakes?
  11. You see a dead baby bird on the side of the road. What do you do?
  12. Did you answer all the questions honestly?
  13. Why did you take this test?

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Quiz topic: Am I an Animal Whisperer?
