Are you an alien?

The world is just amazing. Anything could happen to anybody, anybody might be anything. But what about beyond the world? Beyond earth? Beyond humans?

Lets find out. Perhaps YOU are something special. Something the world needs. More encouragement. Enthusiasm. Perhaps you can boost the world up. I hope you are not effected in anyway by this test. hope you are not effected in anyway by this test.

Created by: Eartheditor9

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Stand up, lift up your shirt,(maybe your pants) and look down. Do you have a belly button?
  2. Are you adopted?
  3. Do you have any mutations?
  4. How well do you do in school?
  5. Do you think you have super powers?
  6. Well, looks like this is our eighth question. How about a cookie break? (no effect on answer)
  7. Are you bored at this point?
  8. Midpoint Question! You have probably seen this question on EVERY QUIZ you have EVER took. So bare with me. How was this quiz so far?
  9. How many fingers do you have?
  10. Last Question! Do you think you are an alien? P.S See you on my other tests!

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Quiz topic: Am I an alien?