Are you amethyst garnet or pearl

Welcome this is a quiz I made for my family .its a test to see which former crystal gems you are garnet,pearl,Amethyste,plz take this quiz I tried really hard .

I love Steven universe the tv show . When I made this quiz I'm waiting for season 6 to come to come out I can't wait for the movie. I know there where lots of former crystal gems but I'm focusing on the ones that are alive besides steven

Created by: Aliza
  1. wich best describes you
  2. Color
  3. Weapons
  4. Gem placement
  5. Fave gem
  6. Earth or homeworld
  7. Tall short skinny or fat
  8. Pt 1 of things gems don't. Need to do but can
  9. Put 2
  10. Gem fusion choice

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Quiz topic: Am I amethyst garnet or pearl
