Are you Alex's Type?

There are millions of girls in the world but only a small pecentage have the ability to call themselves "Alex's Type". These girls are the best of the best and cary the tradition from year to year.

"Are you Alex's Type?" Are you GIRL enough to step up and prove yourself to be the most awesome girl on the planet? With the invention of this quiz, you can easily find out. And its FREE.

Created by: Alex
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What kind of music can you listen to for hours?
  2. What do would you consider to be your favorite sport?
  3. What would be your tipical weekend day?
  4. What do you look for in a guy?
  5. If i had a million $,What I would you spend it on?
  6. Which of these songs would best describe your life?
  7. So are you actually a girl?
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. On average, what type of grades do you get in school?
  10. If you were a fruit what would you be?
  11. How do you label yourself?
  12. What is your favorite boy names?
  13. What would be the perfect date for a guy to take you?
  14. What Do You Like Bout Most Guys?
  15. What ethnicity do you find to be the hottest in a guy?
  16. Which would you think is the best activity that a guy does?
  17. Are you sure u are a girl?

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Quiz topic: Am I Alex's Type?