Are you a wolf or vampire

wolf?take this quiz to find out what you are. vampire...why don't you find know we can all be friends .us werewolves and vampires.whoever you are,i don't mind.

are you a wolf? or maybe a vampire.take this quiz to find out what you could have soft skin or ice cold the full moon or loath it. with red blood dripping from you mouth or meat in your teeth.....

Created by: kalina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you ever feel cold in summer and hot in winter?
  2. full moon.....
  3. blood or meat
  4. eye color
  5. soft skin or dry and rough
  6. black or white
  7. fast or slow
  8. mate or lover
  9. do you understand what im sayin in the last 7 question
  10. emo or GLITTER POPS

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Quiz topic: Am I a wolf or vampire