Are you a Werewolf?

There are many wolf lovers, but not many are WEREWOLVES. Werewolves, after all, are not very... common. But what is it to be a real werewolf? A werewolf doesn't have to shift, and full moons and silver bullets are common myths! So...

are you a Werewolf? Or perhaps a Hybrid? But thanks to this quiz, you'll find out soon.

Created by: WerewolfMoon87
  1. What is a lycanthrope?
  2. A wolf-man is referred to as a 'werewolf' because...
  3. Someone pushes you in a hallway, causing you to drop your paperwork, and pays no mind. You...
  4. Your eyes are...
  5. Your favorite food is
  6. You feel threatened- You think a guy is stalking you. You...
  7. Ooh, summer vacation is finally here! You can be found...
  8. What do you think of Mondays?
  9. You meet your kind in the woods...
  10. Last question... What do you THINK you are?
  11. What did you think?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Werewolf?