Vampire or Human or Werewolf

This is a vampire-human werewolf quiz this is all not fake some are late fangers or werewolf tancesrs thingie I really don't understand what's the big deal.

This is a vampire-human werewolf quiz this is all not fake you will get true powers or be boring you are cool any way never give up try spells if you get human then come back right after and try again.

Created by: Melanie
  1. Do you like night or day?
  2. Do you see gost
  3. Do you like to sleep (feel sleepy during the day)?
  4. Do you like apples?
  5. Do you think people(humans) are strange?
  6. Do you like oranges?
  7. Do you like swimming?
  8. What's your age
  9. What is your eye colour?
  10. What's your fave colour?
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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