are you a wolf or a dog

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this is a quiz to tell if you have the personality of a dog or a wolf (maybe even a demon dog or a hellhound ) this little blurb is probably pointless because no one actually reads these right?

this is a quiz to tell if you have the personality of a dog or a wolf and actually i'm typing nonsense tvuiyntyfybgbhgbgyvf tvgbvftgybbbiutgviutvuuyuuuuuutiutguttuguggyg

Created by: wulf boi
  1. if a bully hits your best friend what do you do?
  2. do you have anger magement issues
  3. are you attention defficient
  4. dogs or cats
  5. you are throwing a water ballon, why?
  6. do you have a boyfriend /girlfriend
  7. are you a loner
  8. are you impulsive
  9. are you a kid
  10. how was this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a wolf or a dog
