What's Your Wolf Name?

Do you want to know what your wolf name, fur color, and personality is? Then take this test! There are five wolves that you could be. Choose your answers wisely when taking this quiz! (No wrong answers)

English: Wolf Italian: Lupa/Lupo Spanish: Loba/Lobo! The word "Wolf" in English, Itailan, and Spanish! Wolves are the best! I am bored! I have nothing else to say! Now start the test!!!

Created by: Frost The Wolf
  1. If you were a wolf what color would your fur be?
  2. Male or Female?
  3. What's your favorite thing to do when you have free time?
  4. What would you do if another wolf woke you up at the middle of the night and asked you to be your mate?
  5. What's your favorite season?
  6. Are you enjoying this quiz?
  7. What's your favorite thing in the following list?
  8. Which animal is the best?
  9. What's your favorite food as a wolf?
  10. Last Question: What were you doing last night?

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Quiz topic: What's my Wolf Name?
