Are you a witch

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This is a quiz to tell you if you are a witch. if your not it's OK you can still be one. this is only a quiz to see if you are one now. so smile and have fun.

This quiz is made by a witch. PS. this is my first quiz so sorry if the questions are simple. I had fun making them i hope you will love taking them.-Leda

Created by: Leda
  1. you found a spell book what do you do?
  2. you get into a school for witches what do you do?
  3. you start to fly what do you do
  4. you find a dragon scale what do you do
  5. you find a potion what do you do
  6. you find a stray cat
  7. you get a broom
  8. you get a text book you don't understand
  9. do you think you're a witch
  10. did you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a witch
