Are you a wild horse or not

There are many wild horses but do YOU have what it takes well then take this crazy quiz to find your inner horse ps a wild horse is a mustang they run FREE

Think about this are you sweet,brave,strong,ect well those are some of these crazy questions so i wish you all good luck at finding your inner horse

Created by: Luna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were wild a human comes up to you how would you react
  2. Lets say u got cought and they put you in a stall what would you do
  3. someone puts the saddle on u how to you react
  4. What discribes you
  5. what color suites you
  6. do you like children
  7. you are a mare you have twin colts a puma tries to hurt them what do u do
  8. where would you like to spend more time
  9. do you play howrse
  10. did you love this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a wild horse or not