Are you a Werewolf, Meif'wa, or human? Mystreet

Have you ever wondered if you were a Werewolf, Meif'wa, or human? Well, you wouldn't have clicked on this quiz if you didn't soo, I'm guessing you have!

Welcome to "Are you a Werewolf, Meif'wa, or human"! Sit back and relacks while you take this quiz to see if you are a Werewolf, Meif'wa, or human. Emjoy!

Created by: Cali
  1. What do you think you will be when you grow up?
  2. Have you ever dreamed about being an animal your not?
  3. Do you like High School?
  4. IF you had ears and a tail what color would they be?
  5. This is a big question, do you like Aphmau?
  6. Do you like this quiz?? It has no help to the questions
  7. Who is "Kitty" answer honestly.
  8. What would you get offended by if you were a Werewolf?
  9. What would you get offended by if you were a Meif'wa
  10. What do you want to get?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Werewolf, Meif'wa, or human? Mystreet
