Are you a WEREWOLF?

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!!HOWL! GROWL! BARK! WOOF! Are you a werewolf? Do you think you are? Take this quiz!! Like and comment your Result! Thank you so much!!! bye--bye!! Woof!

Y!!HOWL! GROWL! BARK! WOOF! Are you a werewolf? Do you think you are? Take this quiz!! Like and comment your Result! Thank YOU so much!!! bye--bye!! Woof! GROWL-BARK!!! WOOF!! HAVE A GOOD DAY!

Created by: Emi
  1. Have you been feeling weird lately?
  2. Have you gotten stronger?
  3. Which food tastes best to you, like which one do you usually eat?
  4. Have you been feeling angry all the time?
  5. Do you feel like destroying things when your angry?
  6. Do you feel like howling at the moon?
  7. Do you shake when angry?
  8. Have your friends said stuff like, "you're acting weird, are you okay?"
  9. Has anything happened to your body?
  10. do you feel energized at night?
  11. Last question. do you tink your a werewolf?

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Quiz topic: Am I a WEREWOLF?
