Are you a weeaboo?

Are you a weeb? An otaku? Maybe even a weeaboo?! This quiz will tell you if your a weeaboo or something different!! Uwuwuwu

So I don't know what else to say, just do the quiz. But you have to be truthful in your answers!

Created by: Bananoir
  1. Do you like anime?
  2. Do you like japanese culture?
  3. How much anime have you watched?
  4. How much sleep do you get?
  5. Do you have any posters, anime figures, manga, cosplay, or anime stickers?
  6. You notice someone crying. What do you do?
  7. Which movie do you prefer the most?
  8. Do you like this quiz?
  9. What would be your catchphrase
  10. Finally, if you were to have a superpower, what would it be?

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Quiz topic: Am I a weeaboo?
