What Fruits Basket Character Are You Like

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You will be answering this quiz and figuring what you are like and how you would fit into fruits basket. If you haven't watched fruits basket, then I recommend you to watch it or read the manga.

I love fruits basket. It is one of my favorite anime's. It is a great chance to help you learn the anime a little bit better. I'll straight up tell you the curse does get broken at the end.

Created by: Weeb_Is_Best
  1. Is Fruits Basket You're favorite anime?
  2. Who is you're favorite Fruits Basket character
  3. Are you a cat person or a dog person
  4. What do you like better
  5. Who is your least favorite character
  6. What is your favorite anime other than or if it's not Fruits Basket.
  7. This is the last question, can you wait for the answer
  8. Well you have to
  9. How do you feel
  10. Now it's over, can you wait?

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Quiz topic: What Fruits Basket Character am I Like
