Are you a wedgie nerd?

This is a quiz for boys around 12-18 years old and results would be slightly off for any other people as in different ah group or gender. (sorry about that)

This is for all curious people, wedgie lovers, jocks or even nerds being put in their place and forced to take this quiz. I am a wedgie lover and I decided to make this quiz for my fellow wedgie fetishists!

Created by: Wedgie Nerd
  1. What kind of underwear do you wear?
  2. What social class would your friends describe you as?
  3. Do you like wedgies?
  4. Do you get wedgies?
  5. What punishment are you most likely to get?
  6. Are you a boy?
  7. How old are you
  8. Who gives you wedgies?
  9. What punishment are you most likely to get? (continued)
  10. Are you going to comment what you get?

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Quiz topic: Am I a wedgie nerd?

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