are you a warrior cat or kitty pet

are you a kitty pet or warrior? take this quiz to find out!!! also I love emojis. .-. :P. ;-; ;) :c :C :D XD *V* $U$ WUW MUM ps these are emojis NOT words.

kitty pets are soft and warriors are power hungry I recommend that you read the warriors series before taking this quiz. I hope you like it. ps. I made it during a boring online class :P

Created by: MysticWolfyGirl
  1. do you like cream or steak
  2. do you like power or an easy life
  3. do you like to play with feathers and cat toys or pounce on your siblings.
  4. do you prefer water or milk or anything
  5. do you like to hunt or look at animals
  6. do you want a mate or are you 4 ever alone
  7. if you find a mother bird that's injured severely would you ....
  8. do you like to play in water
  9. do you like to climb trees
  10. what do you think your going to be

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Quiz topic: Am I a warrior cat or kitty pet

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