Which Warrior Cat Are You?

Which Warrior Cat Are You? is a quiz for those who love the warrior cats series. This quiz is about the different warrior cats and which one you are like.

So which one are you. These questions test you in various ways to see what you are like and then to match you with the appropriate warrior cat. So get going and find out which warrior cat you are most like.

Created by: geni14

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. One of the members of your clan has gone missing. Do you...
  2. An enemy clan cat has a personal argument with you and wants to fight. Do you...
  3. Your best friend is dying and needs a certain herb to heal them. You don't know which one it is. Do you...
  4. Your clan leader has died and the clan is under attack. Do you...
  5. You are asked to look after the kits for a day. Do you...
  6. An evil cat asks you to join his rebel clan, promising you can be deputy. Do you..
  7. The Healer has asked you to look for a herb when you could be hunting. Do you...
  8. You have made friends with a kittypet who want to join you clan. Do you...
  9. Your best friends brother turns bad. Do you..
  10. Your coat is...

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Quiz topic: Which Warrior Cat am I?