Are you a very talkative person? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a very talkative person?

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  • You are 100% talkative over all this is your score 44%

    I am really NOT talkative to my friends or strangers, but I do talk more to my family. I did not think I would get a high score, because I only talk to anyone out of my family if they say "hi" then I would say hi back or if they ask me something I would answer, quietly, though. I do talk to my family more, though. Just not people I do not know, and sometimes they say about all my brothers and sisters "They are shy" or "Are they shy?", and it gets really annoying.

  • You are 100% talkative over all this is your score 29%

    you are quiet but you talk alittle. but you are mostly quiet. and you just talk when you want to but not to much i guess you are kind of like a conservative person. you are a quiet person.

    I like being quiet. There's nothing wrong with not being talkative.

    Remember Joy
  • You are 100% talkative over all this is your score85%


    This is it you are a talkative person. you talk about everything and anything. you like to talk to people. you tend to keep talking at times with out stopping

  • You are 100% talkative over all this is your score63%

    you can be less quiet but you are more to talk but not really. you talk more but you can be very quiet at tims so you are little talkative but you quiet side comes.

    Puppy xo1
  • That is a load of bumage.
    I am SERIOUSLY talkative.


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