are you a vampire,werewolf, or human?

there are many people who think but are not wise about their desition. they are called people who take this quiz! this quiz will pinpoint yyour answer and give it to you.

are you a vampire , or a werewolf? do you think humanly? well take this quiz to know if your a vampire werewolf or human! this is the easy way to know instead of trying it out!

Created by: amazon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You like the taste of___
  2. you like to_____
  3. you live in{____
  4. do you think your obsessed with dogs?
  5. do you usually get hungry?
  6. Do you get easily tired?
  7. if you were to think right now of what you are diong do you choose wisely?
  8. team_____
  9. do your eyes have a undescribable color?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a vampire,werewolf, or human?