Are you a true Potterhead? Hard.

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Do you think that you are the biggest Potterhead in you’re friend group? Take this quiz and then send the link to your besties so you can all compete to see who the true Potterhead is!

This quiz will be able to guess if you’ve read the books or just seen the movies. We can guess how many times you have read the books, and so much more.

Created by: Penelope
  1. Quidditch players are constantly at risk of injury throughout the game. How many possible Quidditch fouls are there?
  2. In The Philospher’s Stone, Harry and his friends are awarded last-minute House Points, putting Gryffindor ahead of Slytherin by just 10 points. What was the final tally?
  3. Who is Dudley Dursley’s best friend?
  4. What is the max speed for a Firebolt broomstick?
  5. What is the name of the Apparition instructor who comes to Hogwarts in Harry’s sixth year?
  6. What is Nymphadora Tonks’s patronous?
  7. What muggle high school were the Dursleys going to send Harry to before he got his Hogwarts letter
  8. What is Ron’s middle name?
  9. Which student demands Hermione why she isn’t in Ravenclaw?
  10. Did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Potterhead? Hard.
