Are You A True Loki Fan | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You A True Loki Fan.

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  • No offence but... WTF DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING SAYING LOKI IS FROM ASGARD?!?! Loki was born on jotunhiem which means he is FROM jotunheim. Let me put it in simpler terms for you. If loki was born in say... Nigeria and was moved to england when he was young and spent most his life in england, HE WOULD STILL BE NIGERIAN! at least make the question more specific i.e. where was loki born. only the TRUE loki fans would rage about this and I am deeply disappointed that I am the first Loki fan to notice this outrageous "mistake"

    • xmortaltodiedorx... it didnt say where he is originally from. it said where he was from. if it were to say where he is originally from then jotunheim would be the answer.

      joe momma
    • "I, Loki of Asgard,"

  • 90% Loki fan. I probably got the first question wrong (I picked Jotunheim cus that's where he was born) Loki is one of my fave characters in the mcu and I make it my duty to defend his honor. Stay salty.

  • I'm a true serious Loki fan!!! LOKI IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IN THE MCU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • "Where is Loki from?"
    Hesitated between Jotunheim and Heaven haha


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