Are you a true gallant?

Can you be defined as a gallant or not try out and find out this is my first quiz so just plzz leave a rating and don't hate plzz this is just my first anyways i hope you enjoy it

Are you a gallant do you have what it takes to be a gallant if you think so try out to find out me myself I am a gallant and I have done a lot of reaserch don't get me rong

Created by: Jaimie2014
  1. If you ran over a dog how would you feel
  2. You see a three year old girl playing hop scotch in the midle of the road and a car is coming up behind her and is not stopping what do you do
  3. Follow your instincts
  4. How willing are you to save a life
  5. If you bumped in to a girl how would you act
  6. If you won one million dollars what would you do with it
  7. How would people describe you
  8. And go check out what gallant means on google just search this define gallant it says a lot more than I put (next 3 questions has no effect)
  9. Did you like my quiz it's my first
  10. Will you rate please do anyways hope you enjoyed it

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Quiz topic: Am I a true gallant?