LOVE IN FULL TIDE (Episode 1: Sunkissed)

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(THERE IS A LOT OF READING) Inspired by an rp quiz I took, I decided to make my own! I spent A LONG time to write all of this. I really hope you enjoy this, this is the most detail I have put into my writing.

Please don’t report this! I spent to long on this… :| Please leave a comment and leave a rating! Should I make more? I would really appreciate it!

Created by: Wideweir
  1. As your car wound its way down the coastal highway, the salty scent of the ocean filled your nostrils and your excitement grew. You were finally here, in Tidal Cove, for a summer vacation with your aunt Rachel. The town's quaint shops and eateries lined the main street, exuding a laid-back vibe. You pulled up to a beachfront condo complex, where your home for the next two weeks awaited. You grabbed her bag and followed Rachel out onto the sand. As you took in the stunning ocean view, you felt a sense of freedom wash over you. The waves crashed against the shore, sending foamy water flying into the air. You couldn't wait to explore this charming town and make memories with your aunt. What are you most looking forward to do?
  2. You and Rachel wandered through the quirky surf shop, surrounded by colorful boards and racks of wetsuits. Kai, one of the workers, greeted you with a warm smile, his bright blue eyes crinkling at the corners. His curly hair was a mess of messy blond locks, and his worn-in board shorts and faded beachy tank top made him look like he'd just rolled out of the ocean. As you browsed the shop, Your eyes landed on a faded flyer tacked to a corkboard near the ceiling. The image showed a hauntingly beautiful lighthouse standing sentinel over the rocky coastline, its light extinguished and its walls cracked and worn. The words "Tidal Cove Lighthouse" were scrawled across the top in bold black letters. "Hey, what's that?" You asked, pointing to the flyer. Kai's grin grew wider. "Ah, that's the old Tidal Cove Lighthouse. Rumor has it it's haunted by the ghost of a former keeper." You felt a shiver run down her spine as you gazed at the flyer again. You had always been drawn to the mysterious and unknown, and this lighthouse seemed like the perfect adventure."I'm in," you said, trying to sound casual despite her growing excitement. “Awesome! Here’s my phone number so you can call…”
  3. You walked along the beach, taking in the salty air and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. You had just met Kai, and his carefree nature was infectious. But as you gazed out at the ocean, you spotted Max, the lifeguard, scanning the horizon with a piercing gaze. Max was even more handsome up close. His rugged features seemed chiseled from granite, and his piercing green eyes seemed to bore into her soul. You felt a flutter in her chest as he caught your eye and flashed a dazzling smile."Hey, you're new around here, right?" he asked, sauntering over to you. You nodded, feeling a little self-conscious about your awkward introduction to the town. "Yeah, I just arrived yesterday. I'm visiting my aunt Rachel. "Max nodded sympathetically. "Ah, Rachel's a great person. She's got a heart of gold. So, what do you think of Tidal Cove so far?" You shrugged, feeling a little uncertain. "It's...different. I like it, but it's not what I expected."Max chuckled. "Yeah, Tidal Cove can be a bit quirky. But it's got its charm. You'll get used to it soon enough."
  4. "I was thinking of checking out the old lighthouse today," you said, your voice bubbling with enthusiasm. "Want to come with me? "Max raised an eyebrow. "The haunted lighthouse? Are you crazy?" You grinned mischievously. "That's the best part! I've heard it's supposed to be haunted by a ghostly lighthouse keeper. I want to see if we can find any evidence. Also Kai is coming!" Max raised an eyebrow at your enthusiasm, but then his expression softened. "Alright, alright. You're crazy enough to do this on your own, but I'll come along for the ride." Your eyes lit up. "Really? You're in?" Max nodded, his confidence and charm still intact despite his hesitation. "Yeah, I'm in. But if we get caught by the authorities or possessed by demons, I'm blaming you.”
  5. As you walk down the beach you take a deep breath, feeling the salty air fill your lungs, and look around. The beach is empty, except for one person walking towards you.As he approaches, you notice he's not like anyone you've seen before. He has dark brown hair that falls across his forehead in messy waves, and brown eyes that seem to hold secrets behind them. He's lean and quiet, with an air of mystery surrounding him. Ethan, as his name tag reads.He looks up and catches your eye, and for a moment, you feel like he's really seen you. His gaze lingers on your face before he breaks into a soft smile. You can't help but notice the way his eyes crinkle at the corners as he walks closer."Hi," he says quietly, his voice low and smooth. "I'm Ethan. Welcome to our little beach."You feel a flutter in your chest as he extends his hand, and you take it, feeling a spark of electricity as your palms touch. It's as if the universe has conspired to bring you two together in this deserted spot.For a moment, you just stand there, exchanging awkward smiles, before Ethan nods and says, "I'll leave you be. Enjoy the beach." And with that, he disappears into the crowd of beach umbrellas and…
  6. You sprint up the beach, trying to catch up to Ethan. As you approach, you call out his name. He turns around, a hint of surprise on his face."Yeah?" he asks, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.You take a deep breath and ask, "Ethan, do you want to go to the haunted lighthouse with me and some friends tonight?"He raises an eyebrow. "The haunted lighthouse? You're new around here, aren't you?"You nod, feeling a bit self-conscious. "Yeah, just moved in. I've heard it's really cool."Ethan smirks. "It's definitely... interesting. I'm in. What time were you thinking?"You grin, relieved. "How about 9pm?"He nods, and you exchange numbers. "I'll meet you at the lighthouse then. And by the way," he adds with a sly smile, "you're pretty adventurous for a newcomer."You feel your face heat up as you realize he's checking you out. You can't help but smile back at him.
  7. As you walk away from the beach, lost in thought, you bump into Asher, a boy with messy blond hair and bright blue eyes that seem to sparkle with mischief. He's a bit taller than you, with a lanky build and a charming smile."Hey, careful there!" he says, steadying you with a hand on your arm. "You okay?"You nod, feeling a flutter in your chest as his hand lingers on your skin. Asher's gaze lingers on yours for a moment before he drops his hand and grins."You're new around here, right? I'm Asher," he says, extending his hand.You take it, feeling a jolt of electricity as his hand wraps around yours. "I'm... yeah. New town," you reply, trying to play it cool.Your eyes light up with interest. "Hey… Want to come to the haunted lighthouse with me and Kai, Max, and Ethan tonight?"Asher's grin grows wider. "Sweet! I’ll meet up with you at the lighthouse. And by the way," he says, his voice dropping to a whisper, "you're really hot."
  8. As you approach the old lighthouse, you notice the group of boys gathered around the entrance. Among them is Jaxon, a new face you haven't seen before. He's even shorter than Ethan, with spiky black hair and piercing blue eyes that sparkle with mischief. His smile is wide and charming, and he looks like he's always up to something.As you join the group, Jaxon's eyes lock onto yours. He flashes you a dazzling grin, and you feel a flutter in your chest. "Hey, I'm Jaxon," he says, his voice husky and confident.You're immediately drawn to his outgoing personality, and the way he seems to own the space around him. As the group chats, Jaxon keeps glancing at you, his eyes never leaving yours. You catch him giving you flirtatious winks and raised eyebrows, making you blush.Despite feeling a little overwhelmed by his boldness, you can't help but be drawn to Jaxon's infectious energy. As the group starts to disperse, he sidles up beside you, his shoulder brushing against yours. "So, what do you say we explore this old lighthouse together?" he whispers in your ear, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine.You hesitate for a moment before nodding,
  9. As you walk up the creaky stairs of the haunted lighthouse with Jaxon, you can't help but notice the eerie atmosphere surrounding you. Suddenly, Jackson's arm wraps around your waist, pulling you back against the wall. His bright blue eyes lock onto yours, and he whispers, "I find you sexy." His chiseled features and messy blond hair make him look like a Abercrombie model.Before you can process what's happening, his lips crash down on yours, sending shivers down your spine. His taste is intoxicating, and his firm grasp holds you captive. What do you do?
  10. As you climb the creaky stairs of the haunted lighthouse, the air thickens with an eerie atmosphere. You reach the top and join the group of boys, including Kai, who's walking with you, his eyes fixed on you.Kai's messy blond hair is windswept, and his bright blue eyes seem to gleam with an otherworldly intensity as he gazes at you. His lean physique is accentuated by the tight-fitting black tank top he's wearing, and his piercing gaze makes your skin tingle.You feel a flutter in your chest as he takes a step closer, his eyes never leaving yours. "You're even more beautiful up close," he whispers, his voice husky and low. You would say?
  11. As you reach the top of the lighthouse, the wind whispers secrets in your ear, and the creaking of the old wooden structure seems to harmonize with the crashing of the waves below. You gaze out at the breathtaking view of Tidal Cove, a tranquil beach nestled among the dense tropical forest. The sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the serene scene. The night sky above is ablaze with stars, twinkling like diamonds scattered across the velvet expanse. The scent of saltwater and blooming flowers wafts up to you, mingling with the sweet scent of adventure. You feel as though you're standing on the edge of a dream, with the world unfolding before you like a canvas waiting to be painted. Who do you stand next to?
  12. I hesitate for a moment, feeling the chill of the abandoned lighthouse's interior wash over me. But before I can turn to leave, Max's strong hands grasp my arms, pulling me back towards him. His piercing green eyes lock onto mine, and I feel a flutter in my chest. "Wait," he whispers, his breath sending shivers down my spine. "I really like you. Can I talk to you for a minute?"I'm frozen in place, unsure of what to do as Max's eyes bore into mine. The creaking of the old wooden beams and the distant howling wind seem to fade into the background as all I can focus on is the intensity of his gaze. What do you say?
  13. As I walk home, lost in thought, I hear footsteps behind me. Suddenly, Asher appears out of the darkness, his bright blue eyes shining like beacons in the night. He rushes up to me, his lean arms wrapping around me in a tight embrace. "I'm crazy about you," he whispers, his breath warm against my ear. The stars twinkle above, and the distant hum of crickets provides a surreal background hum. I feel my heart racing as Ashers’ words wash over me, his body pressed against mine. What do you do?
  14. As I step into my home, the silence envelops me like a warm blanket. I take a deep breath, trying to process the whirlwind of emotions that have been swirling inside me all day. Max's words linger in my mind, his intense gaze still burning in my memory. And then there's Kai, his declaration of love sent shivers down my spine. I shake my head, trying to clear the haze. What's happening? Who am I supposed to choose? I thought I had it all figured out, but now everything feels up in the air.I wander over to the window, gazing out at the town lights twinkling like diamonds. The night air carries the distant sounds of laughter and music, a reminder that life goes on, regardless of my indecision.As I stand there, lost in thought, I realize that I have to make a choice. But for now, I'll just let the evening wash over me, savoring the uncertainty and the thrill of the unknown.

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