Are You A True Friend?

There are many true friends and many NOT friends. Are you a true friend?????? Well, I'm guesing you don't know and thats why you are here. Good Luck!!

Are you a true friend?????????? You dont know? Well take my quiz to see if you are or not because you may think you are a true friend, but deep down inside, Are you REALLY?

Created by: Kaylyn of yoursite
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You get invited to a friends party and they tell you not to bring your Best Friend along. Do you bring them anyway?
  2. Your friend gets a boyfriend. She introduces him to you. Oh Oh! It,s your ex- boyfriend she's dating. Do you get mad at her?
  3. Your other friend Kourtney gets mad and calls your bff a monkey. You............
  4. You're BFF is throwing a party and everyone is going to be there. Kourtney shows up and trashes the party. You.....
  5. It's your BFF's birthday. What do you get her?
  6. Your having a party for your 17th birthday. Your bff shows up without a present. She tells you that she is sorry and that she didn't have time to get you a present and that she will make it up to you by buying you a gift card to your favorite store. Do you stay mad at her?
  7. You get a boyfriend and you introduce him to your BFF. She says she doesn't like him. What do you say?
  8. Your BFF's mom learns she's pregnant. Your bff does not tell you. Do you get mad?
  9. There's a popular girl at school who just joined the cheerleading squad along with you and your bff. She trips and falls and blames it on you and your bff. You guys now have detention. In detention your bff gets mad at you. You........
  10. The girl that tripped and blamed it on you and your bff is in In House. Her name is Maliah. She calls your friend a freak. You........................

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Quiz topic: Am I A True Friend?