How well do you know me?

There are many true cool cats out there, but few true friends. A true friend is someone who can pass this quiz with flying colors, no mistakes, no hesitations. If you miss one, please step back a ponder your worth in life.

Are YOU my friend?? Do you have the knowlegde, the skill, and the loyalty to continue on in our friendship? ...or should we just call it quits? Take this quiz and find out today!

Created by: Just Me

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What kind of dog would I love to have?
  2. What is my alcoholic drink of choice? (When I drink)
  3. What do I order extra of on my favorite subway sandwich?
  4. I want 3 cars in my garage, which one is NOT one of them?
  5. When is my birthday?
  6. My kids names?
  7. Where did I go to high school?
  8. What was NOT one of my jobs?
  9. When I go to a bar & order a non-alcoholic drink, it's usually a...
  10. Which is NOT a nickname I've earned in the past 4 years?
  11. Where do I NOT have a tattoo?
  12. What is NOT one of my tattoos?
  13. What have I NOT have pierced?
  14. what type of exercise do i most enjoy?
  15. What is one of my favorite movies?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?