Are you a true Doctor Who fan?

This quiz is about Doctor Who and it's mostly based on Series 1 - Series 7. I used to hate Doctor Who, but then I watched an episode and loved it! My first ever episode I watched was "The Bells Of Saint John". What was yours? I think the best Doctor is between David Tennant and Jon Pertwee! The Doctor I dislike the most is Sylvester McCoy (but that's my opinion).

Do YOU think you know everything about the longest running BBC show Doctor Who? Well, you're going to have to find out! Please don't say anything bad about this quiz, it's my first one. And also, I'm British and awesome! Enjoy!

Created by: Emma

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where is the Doctor from?
  2. How did Rose leave the Doctor?
  3. In "Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol", who did the Doctor get engaged to?
  4. Where is the Doctor buried?
  5. In "School Reunion", who thought they were the tin dog (it's not K9)?
  6. In "The Next Doctor", what was the name of the man who thought he was the Doctor?
  7. In "The Doctor's Wife", who's body did the TARDIS go into?
  8. What type TARDIS does the Doctor have?
  9. Who else can fly the TARDIS?
  10. In "A Good Man Goes To War", what did Amy name her baby?
  11. Last question. Who is the Doctor's granddaughter?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Doctor Who fan?