Are you a true Communist? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a true Communist?
This is really bad, i know that the USSR does not stand for the United Soviet Socialist Republics it stands for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. A union is different from being United. And the judging is crap as i will have you know that i am a true communist and i will not settle for anything else.
But I don't believe capitalism should be revised and changed, it should be smashed out of existence! .-.
You are wrong, I wonder what it's like to have no free will
Whatsoever, and you, Alex are a communist
jerkFly free forever!!! No government!! Fight for capitalism!!!
Nind rake, out.
Capitalism needs the government. Capitalism needs it to maintain private property and the people need it to lessen its effects like pollution. There was an ancap experiment, it resulted in private fire stations that catered only to the wealthiest, this was in Africa.
I am certainly no liberal or capitalist. I don't own capital.
I grew up in the soviet union, this is just wrong
Poor, stupid Alex, you actually believe in this, don't
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