Are you a Troll?

ARE YOU A HUMAN, TROLL OR OTHER THING?????????? IDK.just 4 fun hehenow ignore this:Te damos la bienvenida al portapapeles de Gboard. Aquí se guardarán los textos que copies.

ignore this:Te damos la bienvenida al portapapeles de Gboard. Aquí se guardarán los textos que copies.Toca un clip para pegarlo en el cuadro de texto.

Created by: colliezip
  1. What's your sexuality?
  2. What's your fav hobby?
  3. Your politic ideology?
  4. Personality
  5. Your gender?
  6. Do you feel different than the others?
  7. Do you have eyebags?
  8. Extrovert or introvert?
  9. Best subject?
  10. Cats or dogs?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Troll?
