Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a Tomboy or a Girly Girl?
i got 98 tom girl true, then girly not, next tom boy
i was 100% tomboy. i like being a tom boy
same result as thatannachick were tom girls
I'm a tomboy. So true. :D! And how DO girls walk in high heels?! =-= Ugh... xP
Vocaloid1 -
i'm a tomboy. but i know how to work them high heels :-)
tom boy= so true i love sports i hate make up i cant even walk in heels
youre right, im an inbetween
mfs1 -
Thank! :) I'm a complete girly girl!!! (Duh!!!) lolz :P cool quiz!!
im a tomgirl bt nt reali lol x
Rimsha_x1 -
ima in between
But what If i fuek boys & girls?
umm i didn't even take the quiz but I'm bascally a girly girl
sssss1 -
i am 88% tomboy and 0% girly me agian zoe keeble xx
im a tomboy oh yah
dummy sterotypical quiz
luver61 -
Im a tomboy duhh i mean who likes pink???????
OMG this quiz is at no# 52! Horray!
omg, stop saying "duh"
=^-^= meow =^^=
call me 9824749736
raxdesai1 -
me= in beteen WOW
i just wasted 2 minutes of my life
humpf -
Tombgirl LOL
im inbbwetween cool!! but take my quiz does he like you ???? by delphina