Are you a Tokyo revengers fan?

Hello and welcome to the quiz are you a Tokyo revengers fan? And you will answer 10 questions and get your results if you get bad or good,and it depends on how are you interested about it

Please don't worry thats not real if your results are wrong for you but its just a quiz nothing else and dont take it too seriously about it because its not real

Created by: Pikachu
  1. Pick a character you love
  2. The character that you picked, is he one of the main characters?
  3. Where did you know Tokyo revengers
  4. Do you prefer Mikey or draken?
  5. Do you have something that related to Tokyo revengers irl?
  6. Do you like Tokyo revengers?
  7. Are you repeating Tokyo revengers when bored?
  8. How much are you addicted to Tokyo revengers?
  9. Last question: are you going to hate Tokyo revengers in the future?
  10. Okay do you want the results?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Tokyo revengers fan?
