are you a tiger lover know-it-all?

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some are smart, little are genius! you can find your inner genius in this test with hard questions, trick answers, so find your inner genius here! you can find out here

some are smart, little are genius. you can find your inner genius in this test with hard questions, trick answers, so find your inner genius here! take this test now to see if you are the genius

Created by: katelyna31

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. when do tigers attack people?
  2. do tigers have stripes?
  3. where do tigers mostly live?
  4. what is the largest species of tiger?
  5. what is the most common type of tiger?
  6. what family are the tigers in?
  7. what is this test about?
  8. what are tigers?
  9. what is your opinion on tigers? (this will tell if you love tigers)
  10. what do tigers mainly eat?

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Quiz topic: Am I a tiger lover know-it-all?