Are you a therian? ( NOT 100% ACCURATE )

Hello! This is a quiz to see if you are a therian or not! Please remember this is not 100% accurate. The 3 results are Maybe.. Maybe not a therian , Could be a therian and Not a therian!

This quiz was made by Meta Dudaite! I am a therian myself and I am a polytherian! My 2 theriotypes are arctic fox and grey wolf!:) So sit back, relax and just do the quiz

Created by: Meta Dudaite
  1. Do you get shifts? (Acting like your theriotype )
  2. Do you get phantom shifts? ( Feeling paws,tails,hooves or something else when it isn't there )
  3. Do you sometimes feel like you are not in the right body?
  4. Have you had a past live as an animal? (It's okay not every therian has past lives )
  5. Do you feel a connection with an animal?
  6. Do you feel a connection to nature?
  7. That is it! Thank you for participating for my quiz<3 Remember this is not 100% Accurate it is just some help! Take more quizzes because 1 won't fully prove it! Byee (Doesn't affect answer)
  8. (UPDATE! ) Hello again! I have updated this quiz since it was pretty short! Anyways here is the question - Do you really wanna be an animal so bad?
  9. (Almost done! ) Do you like love love quads?
  10. (Last question!) Do you feel like a therian?
  11. Thank you so much for taking this quiz! I really appreciate it. I have tooken a long time to make this quiz so I hope you liked it! What do you think of it? (won't affect your answer)

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian? ( NOT 100% ACCURATE )
