Are you a therian?

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Hi im a therian myself and know ALOT about therianthropy and I hope I can help you find out who you are i need lots of letter on here so don't judge me itfyoclyclyculcluculclyxyoxkyxylcylxlycylcylxylg

.................zjsjdbdbdbdbdbddbdbb dbdxbx bxbxn bx xbxbx x x x x x brut idylfylxlyxlyxlyxylxylxylxhlxhmxgmgkxtisyodie6dtjcmgzjt ghz mgxv si6r sndjdbsjsnensnsbyifiyfoyfoyxyoxyoxyo

Created by: Autumn
  1. Do you ever feel the need to go on all fours?
  2. Do you feel like you dont want a human body but would feel more like yourself in an animals body?
  3. Do you ever act like an animal without really realizing?
  4. Have you ever had a dream were you were an animal and it felt real?
  5. Did/have you ever done something animalistic as a child(2-7) (like drinking out of a bowl on the floor)
  6. Do you make animal nosies for no reson?
  7. I need lots of questions soooooo(Dosent affect results)
  8. And agin. Witch is ur fave face
  9. Bleeeeppp
  10. Im so sorry about this

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian?
