are you a therian quiz, (answer honestly)

remember that online quizzes aren’t always accurate!!!!!!! the only way to know 100% if your a therian is if you have done your research on what a therian is and know exactly what they are.

try thinking of experiences you have experienced when you were younger, or dreams you may have had that give you backstory on your identity, a therian isn’t something you can choose to be, it is something your born with.

Created by: BLUEBELL
  1. have you ever felt an urge pulling you out into the wild (this includes deserts and oceans etc.)
  2. do you ever get lost in your own mind when observing nature
  3. have you ever had a dream of something you never experienced in this life, but you still felt some sort of nolstalgia from it
  4. do you ever wish to have animal features (eg. claws) or be an animal
  5. do you ever have compulsions to do something animalistic
  6. sigh i have to do 10 questions before i can publish (this and the upcoming questions have no effect on your score)
  7. sigh
  8. sigh
  9. sigh
  10. sigh

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian quiz, (answer honestly)
