Are YOU a therian???????

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This test as you see in the title are you a therian I don’t have a lot to say so have fun and enjoy I realized this has to be 150 charectors long so imma just go now.

I hope this is an enjoyable quiz and will give you what you’re looking for. Feel free to do this again and some of the questions will not effect your score .

Created by: Savannah
  1. How connected are you to outdoors?
  2. How often do you make animal noises {no effect}
  3. Ok important do you know what shifts are?
  4. Why’d you do this test
  5. Ok this will effect your score so bye bye
  6. Let’s see here do you prefer to be. Alone a group or like two to three people
  7. Extra be free
  8. Up or down
  9. Do you like this quiz it will effect your score
  10. Ok ill take my final bow this will not effect your score

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian???????

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