Are you a therian?

This quiz is to make sure you're a therian. I made this for my friends. hbuewobvfhewjbvegfiudhjkwhvfegtufhrqehlhfreouqgyyqfrqwhbjokdfhogrwvbhfqjlve rhj

(This quiz isn't guaranteed to be correct. Please make sure you talk with therians, or take other quizzes!)v hbjrqwkvbf hbvfhgfeqfvekhjlvfbhkjvfbhkjbfvkjbakj

Created by: Leo
  1. Why do you want to know if you are a therian?
  2. Which animal do you feel connected to the most?
  3. What meat do you prefer?
  4. Where have you spent most of your time?
  5. Do you feel like a pet or anything connected to a housepet?
  6. Do you feel connected to a wild animal or creature?
  7. What's your favorite color?
  8. Do you have any pets?
  9. Do you feel connected to your pets?
  10. The End!

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian?

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