are you a teen titan or a part of the hive

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the teen titans are always fighting the hive. what side are you on?! to find out all you have to do is take this quiz! are you a criminal mastermind, or are you a super hero ready to stop whatever bad guy that comes thier way?!

you must answer 12 questions in order to determine your path. will you be a sly villein, or a mighty hero?! your path might change depending on your answers, therefore it is never to late to change you path and become a teen titan like me!

Created by: jinx
  1. are you trouble?
  2. who is your favorite Robin or Gizmo?
  3. who do think would win in a battle? the hive or the titans?
  4. who do you hope to win? the hive,or the titans?
  5. what do you hope to get?
  6. how much do you like pizza?
  7. are you a lover or a fighter?
  8. what is your favorite flavor of pie?
  9. who would you rather be friends with?
  10. did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a teen titan or a part of the hive