Are you a superstar?

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There are a few people out there who have a gift to become a superstar .. And a few who don't ... But you never know .. I myself. Have been suprised my people in my life !

Are you a superstar?? Do you have the gift?? Find out here !! This may sound stupid but its kind of entertaining !! Believe me !! Don't worry you won't get bored!!

Created by: carla
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you play any of the following instruments?
  2. Are you afraid to talk/dance infront of people?
  3. Have you ever given a speech or just talked infront of a crowed of people ?
  4. Who would you choose between 1D or JB?
  5. Where would you do your first concert if you had to choose ?
  6. Are you bored yet ?
  7. Why did you pick this Quiz ?
  8. :)
  9. Almost done ...... Did you like the quiz??
  10. Rate ?

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Quiz topic: Am I a superstar?