Are you a SKYRIM pro?

Okay, I hope you really liked the quiz please play more to learn more the sky is the limit please rate it! -E By the way, I have hope that you have a nice cool game!

Okay, guys I hope this isn't some kind of weird thing to you or anymore else or the other quiz takers but, please play sky-rim! Remember, the sky is the limit...(Random message)

Created by: xX_EvilSouled_Xx
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you get a dragon soul?
  2. How do you blow out the candle at Candlehearth Hall?
  3. How do you join the Imperials?
  4. (Fun question)Answer one you will get 6+/-depending on if it's funny or not.
  5. How do you become dragonborn?
  6. Loading...
  7. How do you be a companion?
  8. Can you get married?
  9. Will you rate the quiz?
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a SKYRIM pro?