are you a skibidi or a sigma?

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii so basically are you a skibidi or a sigma take my quiz to find out kjfhvuckjhdfcwdkfhvruskjhdvncuefkdvhu eifkdgvbiekdgvhiefvgidkfhyvrfdjvh

fvgudknbrwcehjficeodjqbvioijcfbioeqcwdhviuiecdhqgvyhcdfryfhdfyhcdasjkxhclidgkagvhclkdyshghcdkyhgcheakdysghckuyefksgdvukcygadch supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Created by: rorty
  1. beach or mountains
  2. hot or cold?
  3. preppy or emo??
  4. thriller or fantasy
  5. rainbow or black/white
  6. keyboard smash or neat typing?
  7. (do you like) male or female
  8. baggy or fitted
  9. family or friends
  10. school or home
  11. halloween or christmas
  12. summer or winter
  13. last question

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Quiz topic: Am I a skibidi or a sigma?
