Are you a serial killer?

Are you a serial killer, or are you just a regular person? This helpful quiz will determine exactly what you are! Hopefully you already know, but if not, this is for you.

Answer the questions as truthfully as you can, and make sure to have fun! If you can't have fun, just answer the questions truthfully. In truth, this quiz is useless and has no bearing on you as a person.

Created by: Manfred Richtohofen
  1. Have you killed anybody?
  2. What was the name of the person or people that you killed
  3. Why did you kill them?
  4. You know you'll get caught, right?
  5. The police are outside the door
  6. Sorry mate, you're going to Jail
  7. Now that you're in jail, what are you going to do?
  8. You've gotten out of jail, whats the first thing you do?
  9. What's your ideal Saturday afternoon?
  10. If you had $100, how would you spend it?

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Quiz topic: Am I a serial killer?
