Are you a real goth or poseur?

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I saw most of these goth quizzes, but no offense they most failled. So here's one

So let's see if you're goth. I know what real goth is! So don't get butthurt when you get poseur if you are one...................................................

Created by: Beepter387
  1. Hot Topic...
  2. You like which of these bands?
  3. Are all goths depressed or evil?
  4. goth anthem...
  5. Can goths shop at hot topic?
  6. What does a real goth wear?
  7. Goth slang...
  8. Marilyn manson is...
  9. DARkness...
  10. Goth goddess
  11. Goth is about...
  12. A poseur is...

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Quiz topic: Am I a real goth or poseur?