Are you a Real Gorebox fan?

You have to answer 11 gorebox questions they are in no difficulty at all. Uhhh you've done reading his MOVE ON TO THE QUIZ NOW WHY ARE YOU STILL READING HIS JUST DO THE GODDAMN QUZ

Only a true gorebox fan can handle this 😤. Ok why are you still reading this uhhh...... You free tonight?? (I hate my life 💔💔💔💔) Bruhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Created by: GGGG
  1. Was the shadow mutant a boss once?
  2. What update did Verse Curse Get added?
  3. Which heavy weapon cant have a Skin?
  4. What was Gorebox originally called?
  5. Who is Gdev's *Ex* girlfriend
  6. What is Gdev's real name?
  7. What nextbot goes "NO!"
  8. Was there a Backrooms map?
  9. Who draws the Nextbot designs?
  10. Who is Phil timsky
  11. What map does gary sato's Mask appears in?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Real Gorebox fan?
